9 January 2013


I currently have a mosquito bite on my knuckle. My knuckle. There is nothing like the buzzing of a mosquito in your ear to shock you out of a deep sleep. There is always at least one mosquito buzzing around our room in the night and while they usually bother Rick (who has about 10 mosquito bites), they are still very annoying. From what I'm told, mosquitoes are one of the only bugs that frequent Taiwan. I'm told that no one has ever seen a bee in Taiwan so I will have to wait to find out if that one is true come summer time.

Rick and I have both been given our first regular classes! We both start on Thursday. Rick was actually given two regular classes. I believe that we were given these classes because a teacher who had been living in the dorms just picked up and left without giving any notice, so it worked out well for us! Not so much for our employer who I assume had to scramble to fill the spot. Regardless, we're excited.

Today we have a mini-workshop for yellow book. It is kind of funny how they do things here. We're thrown into subbing classes (I've already subbed two yellow book classes) but I was never actually trained on HOW to teach yellow book. I observed yellow book, but no one explained it to me. You'd think the mini workshops would be first and then training but I digress. My yellow book sub classes went well and now I will actually learn to teach them so they can only go better.

- Melissa

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