15 January 2013

Bowling in Taiwan

Turns out bowling in Taiwan is the same as bowling in Canada. I suck, doesn't matter the country, continent, or time zone. Bowling is just not for me. I'm nothing if not consistent. But I still had fun. We went bowling tonight after teaching with Jack and Sam. Who, Sam failed to mention beforehand, were both excellent bowlers. Sam brought his own bowling shoes from home and Jack owned his own ball. It was a very one-sided game.

Today we were both subbing. Rick was subbing two classes at Dar-Zhu (pronounced Da-Chu) that he subbed for last week and is still subbing for next week. When a teacher goes on vacation and you get your subbing schedule, sometimes it will say x3 or x2 and that just means that you will be subbing that class for X amount of weeks. He really enjoys his second class which is an early red book (meaning that their English education is JUST beginning to advance) and his other class is a yellow book but their motivation is at an all time low. They have no desire to learn which makes teaching them exhausting.

I, on the other hand, subbed a kindergarten class tonight at Tung-An which is the school where we live. It was so much fun! The kids were all adorable and so much fun! It went a lot better than the last kindergarten class I subbed. I knew more of the gestures and the songs and the most of the kids were older so they knew more of what was going on.

When we got back to the dorm, we were told that our water would be out from midnight tonight until 6AM on Wednesday aka 30 hours. Since Monica and I were one of the first ones back, I showered immediately since I was lazy all day and didn't shower and then we went to work on the dishes. After those were finished, I filled up all of my own water bottles with the filtered water. It probably would've been easier to not rush and fill up our water and just go to 711 to buy some but the idea of having no water stressed me out. I later found out that it is this whole area of Taoyuan that is having our water turned off, still no idea why but at least its not just us.

In other news, there is a leak in one of our rooms. Thankfully it isn't in the room where we sleep and its coming from the wall that we have nothing on but it still sucks. I told the people from Gloria about it so we'll see. Hopefully it gets fixed. I don't know if its the constant rain, the humidity, or my allergies but I currently have the worst cold that I have ever had. If I blew my nose every single minute throughout the day that still wouldn't be enough. It doesn't help that I am constantly cold. I have started taking my Reactine again just in case it is my allergies but no changes yet so I'm thinking it is a cold. All I want now is for my mom to come take care of me. Someone make that happen please :)

- Melissa

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