28 November 2012

Less than a month away

I decided I wanted to post and I knew what I wanted to say but now that I'm sitting here, it is hard to put it into words. It has really start to hit me in the past week or so that we will be gone for a year. That I won't be seeing a lot of people for an entire year. I know in my last post I said that I didn't think it would hit me until we arrived but I was wrong. I am just starting to realize how much can change in a year, how different "home" will be when we return.

It is getting scarier to think about leaving and how little time I have left to hang out with friends. But it is still very exciting to think about.  The exact same things that scare me also work to make me more excited about coming back. How different everything will be when I return, not just because things have changed but I expect that I will be a different person after my experience.

Since my realization that this is actually happening, I have been trying to spend as much time with friends and family as possible. It is hard since everyone is so busy with school but I am trying. 26 days till we leave. Wish me luck.

- Melissa

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