1 November 2012

Getting closer..

In 51 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes and give or take a few seconds, we will be on our way to Taiwan. 

We've booked our flight. We leave December 23rd at 6AM and we won't arrive in Taiwan until December 24 at 9PM. Even though we have booked the flight, it still doesn't feel real to me. You'd think it would since there has already been a few occasions where I have broken out into tears over realizing something I will be missing back home. But it still doesn't feel real. I'm the kind of person where I don't start getting scared until the roller coaster starts to slowly ascend, and I wasn't scared when I went skydiving until he said, "Okay now put your feet outside of the plane." Maybe it will feel real when we get on the plane for takeoff and I start to freak out over the pain that my ears endure. Maybe.

- Melissa

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