The bus ride was terrifying and worrisome. Our driver had clearly just watched the Fast and the Furious and thought he was Vin Diesel. He was making the sharpest turns on the side of a mountain, the bus was constantly lurching forward and I kept on having to brace myself. So that was the terrifying part. The worrisome part is that usually when we take a bus, there is an LED sign saying the name of each stop as we approach it. For some reason on this bus, the driver had turned it off. I knew how to ask in Chinese for him to tell us when we got there but since I have been really shy lately at using my Chinese, I spent the next 5-10 minutes teaching Rick how to say it and then sending him on his way.
Finally, he told us that we were in Yehliu! Yehliu is a little small fishing village about an hour and a half outside of Taipei and there is a beautiful geopark there. There are all these naturally made rock formations there that people come in droves of tour buses to see. It really was amazing to see. I'm so glad we went there before our time is finished here. We brought Atlas along with us and we had such a fun day. It was pretty chilly down by the water, it rained a little but we still had a great time.

A very windy day
After we finished at the geopark, we were both starving and had heard about the great seafood restaurants Yehliu had to offer. Unfortunately, we seemed to have chosen the wrong one. Our food was edible and that was a good thing. We headed back to Taipei in search of better food. We ended up at one of our favorite restaurants that we've been to, Macho Tacos and again, we really enjoyed our food. We grabbed some cupcakes and headed back to the apartment.

Not amused with our food in Yehliu

One Sunday down... two to go.
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