Here are some pictures of their last few days:
My mom met the man of her dreams..
Taipei 101
How could I forget! We went to Modern Toilet! This is the restaurant that is known for their slogan, "Shit or food? You decide!" I'm not even kidding. This restaurant has terrible reviews online about the high prices for the sub par so we were pleasantly surprised with our experience. The prices weren't ridiculous and the food was actually good, we definitely enjoyed our selves. I would definitely recommend this restaurant if you can stomach it haha my mother wasn't too keen on eating out of a toilet but she managed!
If I thought that saying goodbye to my parents the first time was hard, I definitely wasn't prepared for it the second time. Especially the aftermath once they were gone. It was hard and made me miss home a lot. However, getting back into the swing of things in Taiwan helped a lot. Their visit just love and appreciate them that much more.